Volleyball Pictures
Residential and Light Commercial Real Estate
The Links below are to pictures from some of our volleyball games. Not every game is represented and not every player is represented. When I do take pictures, I take approximately 300+ pictures in a single game. Pictures are chosen based on the quality, which mostly includes the lighting, clarity, action and distance (from the camera) - in that order. Much depends on the lighting and court-side access and these vary greatly from venue to venue.
Taking pictures of most sporting games doesn't seem to be too different from taking pictures of wildlife! The action and movement is generally fast and very unpredictable - so, you just hope you are in the right spot at the right time with the camera aiming at the action. In other words - you get what you get - including game faces - and hope it works.
So.....if you aren't in here yet, hang in there - you should be eventually.......