Reserve At Heathrow
Reserve At Heathrow is located on the north side of Heathrow Florida. As you enter the north (back) gate of Heathrow, Reserve is on the right at the first stop sign intersection. The entrance is across from the entrance to Keenwicke. Currently there are 91 homes and one undeveloped lot.
Reserve is known for its larger custom homes and park-like entrance which greets each visitor and homeowner upon entering the neighborhood.
It was developed in two phases. The first phase was started in late 1999 and encompasses the homes along Langham Terrace which leads into Kentford Garden. The second phase was developed in 2004 and includes the homes along Edenhall and Henley Downs.
The homes are custom and semi-custom homes ranging in size from approximately 2800 square feet to more than 6,000 with 4 to 7 bedrooms and 3 and 4 car garages. Most average in the 3,700 to 4,500 foot range and nearly all of them have pools. With few exceptions, the vast majority of the homes were built by Hillcrest Homes, Marklen Homes and Paul Ruff Homes.
Both phases include many homes along ponds and lakes and conservation areas.
The current price points in Reserve are some of the highest in Heathrow, ranging from $650,000 to over $1 Million depending upon size, configuration and location.
If you would like to tour Reserve At Heathrow